World Travel Online (Website in Chinese: and English Demo Home Page: ) was the first and remains the leading Outbound Travel Portal for the entire outbound travel trade and also millions of Chinese travellers by providing essential information in Chinese about travelling overseas on the China Wide Web which is a nation-wide on-line information service based in the Chinese language, utilizing state of art Internet and Intranet technology to deliver to targeted subscribers the latest sought-after information and exclusive market intelligence. Indeed, China Wide Web is much more than just the equivalent to or the extension of the World Wide Web.
World Travel Online focuses on outbound travel from China hence:
We reach • Corporate Travel Organisers; • Outbound Tour Operators; • The largest number of Chinese Travellers; We support • Tourism Promotion Authorities on the National, Regional and Local Levels; |
We recommend • Airline and other Transport providers; • Accommodation Providers; • Destination Management Services; • Incoming Operators;/Ground Handlers; • Monuments and Museums; • Tourist Attractions and more. |
We provide foreign tourism promotion authorities and travel companies as well as other tourism related organizations
with complete value-added services that include:
- Professionally translating, creatively designing and implementing a comprehensive web site or a number of web pages in Chinese and maintaining the Chinese web pages on the China Wide Web.
- Email your information, in Chinese, directly to the senior decision-makers of all the corporate travel organisers and outbound tour operators.
- Providing your potential customers with direct access to your Chinese web pages via clearly categorized destination or section headings.
- Providing a direct hyper-text link from your Chinese web pages to your web site on the WWW so that your web site is not lost in the Internet jungle any more.
- Indexing and meta-tagging key words related to your destination and what you do in Chinese search engines and throughout the China Wide Web.
- Arranging business appointments and accompanying for business meetings, allowing the use of CBN offices.
- Translating and printing Chinese collaterals (brochures, exhibition banners, business cards) professionally and cost effectively (may even be free) in China.
- Setting up exhibition stand and providing interpretation support.
- Following up business contacts in Chinese online and off line.
- Providing continuous sales supports in China throughout the year.
- Functioning as a one-stop-shop for advice and supports in ealing with Chinese visitors.

The fast growth of Net users in China

Please allow me the opportunity to introduce you to our Member of the Mayoral Committee of the capital city of Tshwane, Mr. Subesh Pillay. He is also responsible for tourism in our metropolitan city. I am sure he will be interested in your product offering and perhaps in making use of your services in promoting the City during the COTTM 2013 in Beijing.