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国际旅业高层论坛——2012 WTM上海远景会议(WTM Vision Conference Shanghai)5月10日成功举办。会议由全球领先的国际专业展会——世界旅游交易会(WTM)主办,并得到中国商务集团(CBN)及旗下英国中商世界游和世界游网的倾力支持。超过160位国内外出入境旅业精英齐聚,发布权威数据,交流运营经验,探讨发展前景。 详情
- • WTM上海远景会议将发布独家调查报告
- • 上海中旅总经理:希望参加WTM上海远景会议
- • WTM上海远景会议开通在线注册系统
- • WTM上海远景会议将于5月10日举办
- • 现在报名WTM上海远景会议可免费参加
- • WTM远景会议2012年登陆上海

精彩演讲 WTM Vision Conference Shanghai Presentation

Dr. Adam Wu
opened the conference with official introduction of WTM and the Vision Conference Shanghai

Mr. Simon Press
welcome and thanked officials and delegates to the WTM Vision Conference in Shanghai
参会感言 Reflections from Participants
上海中旅 总经理 李怀发


Chairman of WTM Fiona Jeffery

The WTM Vision Conference series has been a great success since it was launched in London in 2009. The industry has shown a great demand for mid-year information, research, analysis, and opinion to help shape business strategies.

Head of Global Partner & Corporate Marketing of Global Blue Manelik Sfez

Everything was perfect indeed. I will be happy to join next time or whenever you feel it is relevant.

CEO of TUI China Marcel Schneider

Over all and taking into consideration that it was the first time this event took place in Shanghai I believe the outcome was good. I am more than delighted to contribute also to the second edition of the WTM Vision Conference next year.

Eastern China Area Director of Singapore Tourism Board Jasmine Lew

Thank you for extending invitations to the Singapore Tourism Board for the recent seminar. WTM Vision Conference Was a great platform to network with some of the industry partners, and share insights.

捷达假期 市场部经理 郑起军


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